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Our Substitution Policy

We hate substituting

We really do

At Bakkali, we take your shopping list very seriously.

So seriously that we’d rather wrestle a stubborn shopping cart than swap out your favorite items.

But sometimes, despite our best efforts, a product might be out of stock (we blame the universe)

"I agree to substitutes"

In those rare moments, if you’ve given us the green light by ticking the "I agree to substitutes" box at checkout, we’ll do our absolute best to replace an item with something as close to your original choice as possible, if the item you wanted is out of stock.

Here’s how we handle substitutions (we promise, no funny business)

  • 🛒 Same Product Type, Always

    Ordered Extra Virgin Olive Oil? You’ll get Extra Virgin Olive Oil, just from a different brand. What you won’t get? Sunflower oil or something that makes your salad dressing taste suspiciously experimental.

  • 💰 Price Match Guarantee

    If your chosen product was premium, so will its replacement be. No sneaky downgrades here. We respect your taste in groceries.

  • 🍅 No Wildcard Swaps

    If tomatoes are out of stock, we will not send you cucumbers and hope for the best. Substitutions will always make sense (and not leave you questioning our sanity)

Got questions?

Drop us a message, email us, or give us a call:

Email: hello@bakkali.app

Call/SMS: +44 7361 587726

We’re always happy to chat (especially about food)

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